STIMULATE bei der ISMRM in London

Zum weltweit größten und führenden Kongress in radiologischer MRT-Bildgebung, der ISMRM-ESMRMB-Jahrestagung, trugen Beteiligte des Forschungscampus STIMULATE ihre neusten und für die internationale Forschungsgemeinschaft für wichtig befundenen Forschungsergebnisse bei. Die insgesamt zehn Präsentationen umfassten die Themen MR Thermometrie, MR Spulendesign, B0 Mapping, Segmentierung,(Deep Learning), Rekonstruktion sowie Open Source Tabletop MRI. Unter dem Titel „Baue deinen eigenen Open Source Scanner“ zeigte Marcus Prier in einem Tutorial das OCRA Tabletop MRI System, welches am Forschungscampus STIMULATE in Kooperation mit der Harvard Medical School entwickelten wurde. Zum Tutorial wurde außerdem eine Livemessung am Tabletop gezeigt. Die Beiträge waren als „invited talk“ Bestandteil des „Educational Programms“ der ISMRM-Jahrestagung.

Auch bei der die Konferenz begleitenden Messe zeigte STIMULATE Präsenz. Der Industriepartner Neoscan Solutions erfreute sich großer Aufmerksamkeit. Als Startup mit neonatalem MRT schloss Neoscan Solutions neue Kontakte mit international Interessierten und repräsentierte den Forschungscampus im Gespräch mit den Messebesuchenden sowie über die Standstellwand.   

Weitere Forschungsarbeiten wurden in Posterpräsentationen und in kurzen Power Pitches vorgestellt:

  • 3D stack-of-stars MR thermometry sequence during hepatic microwave ablation: a phantom study with a commercially available microwave generator. Dominik Horstmann, Dr. Bennet Hensen, Karen Meyer zu Hartlage, Daniel Reimert, Josef Joaquin Löning Caballero, Prof. Dr. Frank Wacker, Dr. Marcel Gutberlet. Abstract
  • Application of Litz Wires in MRI Coil Design up to 15 MHz. Robert Kowal, Ivan Fomin, Marcus Prier, Enrico Pannicke, Georg Rose, Oliver Speck. Abstract
  • Development of a Low-Cost B0 Field Mapping Device. Marcel Eisenmann, Ivan Fomin, Marcus Prier, Georg Rose und Oliver Speck. Abstract
  • Learning to segment brain tumours using an explainable classifier. Soumick Chatterjee, Hadya Yassin, Florian Dubost (Stanford University), Andreas Nürnberger, Oliver Speck. Abstract: Abstract
  • Motion-robust dynamic abdominal MRI using k-t GRASP and dynamic dual-channel training of super-resolution U-Net (DDoS-UNet). Chompunuch Sarasaen, Soumick Chatterjee, Georg Rose, Andreas Nürnberger, Oliver Speck. Abstract: Abstract
  • Multi-scale UNet with Self-Constructing Graph Latent for Deformable Image Registration. Soumick Chatterjee, Himanshi Bajaj, Steve Simon, Suraj Shashidhar, Oliver Speck, Andreas Nürnberger. Abstract: Abstract
  • StRegA: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Brain MRIs using Compact Context-encoding Variational Autoencoder. Soumick Chatterjee, Alessandro Sciarra (MedDigit, Uniklinikum Madgeburg), Max Dünnwald (MedDigit, Uniklinikum Madgeburg), Pavan Tummala, Shubham Agrawal, Aishwarya Jauhari, Aman Kalra, Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, Oliver Speck, Andreas Nürnberger. Abstract
  • Uncertainty quantification for ground-truth free evaluation of deep learning reconstructions. Soumick Chatterjee, Alessandro Sciarra (MedDigit, Uniklinikum Madgeburg), Max Dünnwald (MedDigit, Uniklinikum Madgeburg), Anitha Bhat Talagini Ashoka, Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, Oliver Speck, Andreas Nürnberger. Abstract: Abstract

(Mai 2022)

STIMULATE at the ISMRM in London

At the world's largest and leading congress in radiological MRI, the ISMRM-ESMRMB Annual Meeting, participants from the research campus STIMULATE contributed their latest research results, which have been found to be important for the international research community. The ten presentations included MR thermometry, MR coil design, B0 mapping, segmentation, (deep learning) reconstruction and open source tabletop MRI. Under the title "Build your own open source scanner", Marcus Prier showed the OCRA Tabletop MRI system in a tutorial and additionally he performed a live measurement. The OCRA Tabletop MRI system was developed at the research campus STIMULATE in cooperation with Harvard Medical School. The contributions were part of the "Educational Programme" of the ISMRM Annual Meeting as "invited talks".

STIMULATE was also present at the fair accompanying the conference. The industrial partner Neoscan Solutions enjoyed great attention as a startup with their neonatal MRI, made new contacts with internationally interested parties and represented the research campus in conversation with the visitors and also via the stand wall.  

Further research work was presented in poster presentations and partly in short power pitches:

  • 3D stack-of-stars MR thermometry sequence during hepatic microwave ablation: a phantom study with a commercially available microwave generator. Dominik Horstmann, Dr. Bennet Hensen, Karen Meyer zu Hartlage, Daniel Reimert, Josef Joaquin Löning Caballero, Prof. Dr. Frank Wacker, Dr. Marcel Gutberlet. Abstract
  • Application of Litz Wires in MRI Coil Design up to 15 MHz. Robert Kowal, Ivan Fomin, Marcus Prier, Enrico Pannicke, Georg Rose, Oliver Speck. Abstract
  • Development of a Low-Cost B0 Field Mapping Device. Marcel Eisenmann, Ivan Fomin, Marcus Prier, Georg Rose und Oliver Speck. Abstract
  • Learning to segment brain tumours using an explainable classifier. Soumick Chatterjee, Hadya Yassin, Florian Dubost (Stanford University), Andreas Nürnberger, Oliver Speck. Abstract: Abstract
  • Motion-robust dynamic abdominal MRI using k-t GRASP and dynamic dual-channel training of super-resolution U-Net (DDoS-UNet). Chompunuch Sarasaen, Soumick Chatterjee, Georg Rose, Andreas Nürnberger, Oliver Speck. Abstract: Abstract
  • Multi-scale UNet with Self-Constructing Graph Latent for Deformable Image Registration. Soumick Chatterjee, Himanshi Bajaj, Steve Simon, Suraj Shashidhar, Oliver Speck, Andreas Nürnberger. Abstract: Abstract
  • StRegA: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Brain MRIs using Compact Context-encoding Variational Autoencoder. Soumick Chatterjee, Alessandro Sciarra (MedDigit, Uniklinikum Madgeburg), Max Dünnwald (MedDigit, Uniklinikum Madgeburg), Pavan Tummala, Shubham Agrawal, Aishwarya Jauhari, Aman Kalra, Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, Oliver Speck, Andreas Nürnberger. Abstract
  • Uncertainty quantification for ground-truth free evaluation of deep learning reconstructions. Soumick Chatterjee, Alessandro Sciarra (MedDigit, Uniklinikum Madgeburg), Max Dünnwald (MedDigit, Uniklinikum Madgeburg), Anitha Bhat Talagini Ashoka, Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, Oliver Speck, Andreas Nürnberger. Abstract: Abstract

(May 2022)